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Integrate structural model and analysis in Grasshopper

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Did you know that Consteel provides a plugin to integrate structural modeling and analysis into your parametric Grasshopper definitions?

Download Pangolin from food4rhino.com or the Yak package manager of Rhino. You can also download it by logging in to our website. See Downloads/Plugins menu:

How will you possibly work in Pangolin? See the related videos on our YouTube channel, starting with the 'Introducing Pangolin' video.

If you haven't tried Consteel yet, request a trial for free!

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Tips & Tricks
Automated design workflow (scripting)
Parametric design

El autor

Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

Head of R&D Group of Consteel, responsible for the coordination of development of new software features, research tasks. Preparation of webinars and keep international contact with partners involved in Consteel development.