юли 17, 2020
1 min read
József Szalai

Steelspace is here!

We are really excited to let you know that Steelspace has launched! We believe that cloud-based services are the future! Our colleague had already written a great post about how cloud services can accelerate our workflow. We think structural design experience could be so much more if we take advantage of the opportunities of the cloud.

Just a few of the many benefits of moving services and data to the cloud:

  • the user saves time and resources,
  • their work is more secure,
  • and collaboration between multiple users is much smoother and easier

We are confident that engineering work is facing a similar transformation and we want to be one of the inducers of this process with our latest development.

What is Steelspace?

Steelspace is a cloud-based storing, sharing and service providing open platform for structural models and their analysis or design results.

Users are immediately able to upload, store and view structural models from Grasshopper Pangolin and from Consteel and share them with colleagues having also Steelspace account. On the models in Steelspace several structural analysis and design calculation packages can be executed which are available for and compatible with the uploaded model.

Not sure how to export your model to Steelspace? Check our quick guides on Youtube!


The system is still under development and we will make sure to continuously improve our services. If you interested, head to Steelspace.io and give it a try! You can log in with your Consteel account if you already have one or just register for free.

We are open to collaborations as well! If you have a great idea or solution to implenet in Steelspace, don’t hesitate to contact us!



József Szalai

Responsible for strategic leadership, management of research, development and marketing works. An active researcher in the field of modern structural steel design. Has been working on the development of Consteel for more than 20 years.

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