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julio 18, 2022
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Brigitta Fehér

Improvements in Consteel 15 update 8

The newest update version of Consteel 15 has been released. The update contains mainly bug fixes and comes together with the renewal of Steelspace, our cloud-based collaboration platform.

Innovations in Steelspace

With new technological solutions and a rethinking of the overall user experience, we were able to define a new direction for the Steelspace. We redesigned the foundations of the service to facilitate effective collaboration during engineering work in the long term. Please read our blogpost to get to know the developments.

French National Annex implemented

French National Annex is now available within EN standards, Nationally Determined Parameters are defined and ready to be used.  

French National Annex implemented

Although Consteel offers a variety of EN NA’s, if you cannot find the annex you need, you are still able to define a new, custom one in an easy way.

Word-export of documentation

Many of you could have experienced problems with exporting the documentation to Microsoft Word. The collaboration with other software is never easy and we are continuously working to fix the upcoming issues. We recently discovered that the response spectrum graph is the cause of opening issues of the generated Word documentation, so for the time being this diagram below has been removed from the export, but the documentation still includes it. So it is possible to copy it as a picture and paste it to the Word document.

Response spectrum graph in the documentation

Decimal and rounding issues fixed

Since the background refactoring works prior to Consteel 15 release, we faced recurring problems with decimal separators, number of decimals and rounding at input cells. We trust that with latest developments we eliminated these kinds of problems successfully. 

In this regard, and in general, we encourage you to report any issues you encounter while working with Consteel or share your needs/ideas for new features through our support system.

Further bug fixes and improvements

For further details, please see the Version information document.

El autor

Brigitta Fehér

Participates in development and testing of new software features and prepares support materials. Due to her designer background, logical structure and easy usability of Consteel functions is her priority.

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