ConSteel Solutions Ltd. es una empresa de desarollo de software especializada en el análisis y diseño estructural de acero y estructuras compuestas, con más de 20 años de experiencia.
Nuestra historia

Nuestra misión
La misión detrás de todos los desarrollos de ConSteel es la reforma generalizada de los métodos de diseño estructural mediante tres aspectos diferentes. Estos aspectos abarcan la metodología de diseño, la tecnología de software y la comunidad de usuarios.
Estamos continuamente investigando e implementando los métodos más modernos para el diseño estructural de acero, a partir del análisis numérico avanzado. También estamos seriamente comprometidos con el diseño fuera de los métodos estándar, con la finalidad de ofrecer soluciones prácticas para los ingenieros en los diseños más complejos.
Hemos desarrollado un sistema de cálculo muy automatizado, con modularidad y flexibilidad. Con este sistema, como ingeniero, podrás tener un atajo en el proceso de diseño, de manera que puedas priorizar la proyección y planificación de grandes estructuras. Evaluando los cambios en el software y hardware usado en diferentes disciplinas de la ingeniería, estamos comprometidos con la reconstrucción de los flujos de trabajo obsoletos en la ingeniería estructural, con el apoyo de las más novedosas soluciones tanto de manera local como en la nube.
Queremos ayudar a una nueva generación de usuarios donde las reglas principales de trabajo son la colaboración y el conocimiento compartido. Nuestro sueño es conectar demandas y soluciones, usuarios y desarrolladores, modelos y cálculos de cualquier parte del mundo. De esta manera, esperamos conseguir un flujo de trabajo de diseño estructural realmente eficiente, utilizando el poder de la comunidad de ingenieros.
Conoce al Equipo
La innovación no sería posible sin un gran equipo.

Strategic leadership, management of research, development, and marketing work. An active researcher in the field of modern structural steel design. Has been working on the development of Consteel for more than 20 years.
linkedinJózsef Szalai PhD

The father of Consteel. Does engineering research, prepares scientific and practical articles, helps the development by high-level engineering testing. Also involved in higher education as a university professor.
linkedinFerenc Papp PhD
Senior R&D Advisor

His responsibility is the integration of new functions into Consteel keeping the consistency of the system. Development of complex engineering codes like mechanical analysis and thin-walled steel elements design. Loves to work on the Unity-based 3D graphical engine for our SteelSpace project.
linkedinZsolt Gubicza
Senior Software Engineer

Head of R&D Group of Consteel, responsible for the coordination of development of new software features, research tasks. Preparation of webinars and keep international contact with partners involved in Consteel development.
linkedinBálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén
Senior Research Engineer

Technological and development leadership, overall development management of Consteel, and related systems. Committed to innovation and new ideas.
linkedinBalázs Gaál
Software Engineering Manager

Coordination of software development projects and active participation in coding. A qualified fighter in the «continuously increasing engineering demands» vs. «on-time project delivery» battles.
linkedinBalázs Németh
Software Engineer

Usually writes infrastructure-related code for Consteel and develops server-side systems, while coordinating the development of our web projects. Always wants one more monitor.
linkedinMárton Tóth
Software Engineer

Develops the Consteel desktop app in C++, which involves implementing new features, developing the user interface, refactoring old codes and fixing bugs. In addition, takes part in maintaining and developing the Descript scripting language, and also writes scripts for Consteel in Descript.
linkedinMárton Lendvai
Software Engineer

Manages the sales process, responsible for contracts, bills and administration – basically providing that Consteel’s formal processes happen as smoothly as possible. In the rest of her time, catch her if you can, because she’s on the go carrying papers to and from the office.
linkedinViktória Naszádi
Sales Manager

Makes sure Consteel finds its way to its future users. Works closely with sales and design. Plans Consteel’s marketing campaigns and creates content.
linkedinZsófia Szőnyi
Marketing Manager (on maternity leave)

Collaborates between developer and marketing teams and responsible for overall visual outcomes. Aims to make a better user experience for Consteel users. Always curious.
linkedinÁgnes Szerafin
Product Designer

Participates in development and testing of new software features and prepares support materials. Due to her designer background, logical structure and easy usability of Consteel functions is her priority.
linkedinBrigitta Fehér
Development Engineer

Responsible for developing the marketing strategy and communication. Her goal is to make Consteel better targeted and well-known. She works closely with sales and design. Always open to new ideas.
linkedinStefánia Dein
Marketing Manager

He is the most enthusiastic member of the C++ team. He always has a question and is interested in new things.
linkedinMárton Ambrus-Dobai
Software Developer

As a Structural Engineer he was obsessed with parametric design methods. He is convinced that it can be efficient for any design task. This is how he came to the dark side and works as a developer on Pangolin. As a PhD student, he researches the implementation of simulation methods in Consteel.
linkedinÁdám Kis
Development Engineer

Works on the API part of ConSteel. Enjoys working in a team, is committed to education and self-development.
linkedinRéka Beáta Székely
Software Developer Intern

Develops the GUI part of Consteel. He believes that there is always room for improvement.
linkedinBotond Biró
Software Developer Intern

As a Full-stack Developer, he is involved in the day-to-day work of the web team. He is passionate about new technologies and good pizza.
linkedinIstván Zilahi
Software Developer

She is responsible for managing the licensing needs of our prospective and existing users and supporting the sales and marketing team. She also takes care to ensure that those interested in Consteel software have all the information they need to make the decision.
linkedinLili Bognár
Sales Assistant Intern

She is a member of the Cluj-Napoca team. She produces informative materials, aims to help and educate users and to find potential users, but is also enthusiastically involved in testing and documenting new software features.
linkedinSára Rácz
Sales and Technical Support Engineer

As an enthusiastic Junior UI/UX Designer, she aims to enhance the user experience in every project. She is always eager to learn new skills and techniques, believing continuous growth is essential for success.
linkedinJudit Noémi Szabó
Junior UX/UI Designer

Coordinates the work of the marketing and sales team, strategically supporting the further strengthening of the Consteel brand and its international recognition. Strongly committed to the use of Service Design methodology.
linkedinVirág Tóth
Head of Marketing & Sales
Conviértete en nuestro embajador
Si tu eres más entusiasta de ConSteel que nadie, únete a nuestro programa de Embajadores!
Tu opinión positiva y honesta como usuario de ConSteel significa mucho para nosotros y mejora nuestra buena reputación mucho más que cualquier otro aspecto.
Si tu experiencia con ConSteel marca la diferencia en tus procesos de diseño estructural, y te apetece compartir tu pasión por este programa único con otros, te invitamos a unirte a nuestro programa de Embajadores.
Como Embajador, podrás compartir con tu comunidad profesional cómo puede ConSteel beneficiarles. Nosotros te ayudaremos con ideas para el contenido, sugerencias, etc. Sin embargo, tu serás libre de usar tus propias ideas y métodos para presentar ConSteel.
Si estás interesado en conocer más detalles, no dudes en contactarnos a través del correo!