
Sehr geehrte Besucherin, sehr geehrter Besucher! Wenn Sie uns über die Feiertage kontaktieren möchten, beachten Sie bitte, dass unser Team zwischen dem 22. Dezember und dem 5. Januar nicht im Büro ist. Wir werden Ihre Anfrage nach dem 6. Januar bearbeiten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.

Truss comparator


The script presents the application of the Model Compare component based on a truss geometry and the representation of the comparison results of the beams using primarily the dynamic Deconstruct components of Pangolin together with the visualization tools provided by Grasshopper.

The main purpose of the script is to provide an approach to Consteel model management and versioning in a parametric environment similarly to the functionalities of the Steel Space cloud system.


Structure creation


Ádám Kis

As a Structural Engineer he was obsessed with parametric design methods. He is convinced that it can be efficient for any design task. This is how he came to the dark side and works as a developer on Pangolin. As a PhD student, he researches the implementation of simulation methods in Consteel.