the Steel lion award
2023, résztvevő
“Consteel is a great asset for Arambol Ingeniería S.L. Thanks to its workflow we can design, calculate and present a project in record time. The program is very intuitive and easy to use. Technically, the seventh degree of freedom is an enormously useful tool to check structures with the general method, and even obtain reliable results thanks to the use of buckling shapes together with the imperfections to obtain utilization ratios that, physically, are more realistic than the reduction coefficients. Consteel has very specialized features such as the shear field or the frame corner wizard that add an extra degree of professionalism to the calculation, which translates into greater efficiency in the use of steel and, therefore, money.”
“Tecro is a company dedicated to the manufacture and sale of kit mezzanines, mainly using cold-formed profiles.
In the technical department we made the design and calculation of the structure using traditional matrix calculation software and spreadsheets to perform the specific checks of the regulations.
We have incorporated ConSteel for its characteristics in the global analysis of the structure and for the tools it incorporates for class 4 thin plate profiles.”
„Your technical support team is very professional. Especially Mr. Balint, he has been a great help to us! We were impressed by his professionalism and dedication. We are satisfied with the use of Consteel, which has proven its worth in our international projects.”
“A Consteel tervezési szoftvert egyetemi tanulmányaim alatt kezdtem el használni, akkor ez a Consteel 6-os verzióját jelentette.
Már akkor is megfogott a program letisztultsága, átláthatósága és gyorsasága. Azóta volta szerencsém számos szerkezetet leméretezni a program segítségével, kicsitől nagyig: ipari csarnokokat, irodaépületeket, nagy nyitású tetőszerkezeteket, lépcsőházakat, repülő garázsokat, csőhídakat, előtetőket, másodlagos bezárási elemeket, vagy a doktori dolgozatom alapjául szolgáló távvezeték oszlopokat.
A lényeg, hogy egy szerkezettervező mérnök számára lehetővé teszi, hogy statikailag helyesen, emellett gyorsan, mégis alacsony hibakockázattal tudjon modellezni bármilyen szerkezetet 3D-ben. A legbonyolultabb geometriai típushoz tartozik pl a térrácsos szerkezet, aminek stabilitásvesztési formáit hatékonyan lehet kiszámolni és a szelvényeket optimizálni.
Az egyik kedvenc funkcióm az eredmények interpretálhatósága, valamint az, hogy a program évről évre számottevő frissítést kap, ami a felhasználók igényeit tartja leginkább szem előtt.”
![Raymond Bükkösi](https://consteelsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/profil_01-1-200x200.jpg)
„A kezdetektől nagyon tetszik a Consteel, mert globális acélszerkezeti vizsgálatok komplex és kompakt módon, hatékonyan végezhetők vele. Emellett a szoftver jól integrálható automatizált paraméter vezérelt tervezési algoritmusba.- ezért jó szívvel tudom ajánlani.”
“For those of us who are passionate about steel structures, Consteel offers a different way of dealing with structural analysis. It helps us to effectively observe how a structure behaves from an instability point of view, which I have not seen in other software. Interoperability with IDEA and Tekla are also important for us as users of both software. The program has an intuitive and simple interface, arranged according to a logical workflow, something I personally appreciate. The eternal discussions about whether the purlins provide us with stability to the scaffolding and how they affect its behaviour have now been finally clarified.”
„At Indus, we calculate steel structures with ConSteel because it is a very powerful calculation program with which we can analyze in depth different types of buckling and instabilities, one of the most limiting problems for steel structures. In addition, with its connection to IdeaStatica, we can directly calculate the connections and see the behavior of the node and its stiffness. On the other hand, the connection with Tekla facilitates the modeling and the workflow with the rest of our colleagues.”
„Consteel is a unique tool for analyzing the stability of the steel structures built of bars. The functionalities implemented in the software are thoughtful tools for comprehensive, practical analysis in engineering calculations. The seventh degree of freedom allows you to solve tasks that were practically impossible to do or estimated in non-standard analyses with the very big possibility of making a gross mistake. Imperfect analysis based on buckling modes is invaluable and priceless.
The software copes with large tasks, both in terms of speed and most importantly for the practicing engineer the opportunity to work on huge results (we worked on 6GB up to now) – the only limitation is RAM, which is not a problem nowadays.
The approach of the Consteel team to software development also deserves praise, which shows a well-thought-out path of software development in terms of suitability for practical applications (and not only in terms of changing the graphic interface as is the case in other developers).
We recommend ConSteel to all experienced engineers.”
The software copes with large tasks, both in terms of speed and most importantly for the practicing engineer the opportunity to work on huge results (we worked on 6GB up to now) – the only limitation is RAM, which is not a problem nowadays.
The approach of the Consteel team to software development also deserves praise, which shows a well-thought-out path of software development in terms of suitability for practical applications (and not only in terms of changing the graphic interface as is the case in other developers).
We recommend ConSteel to all experienced engineers.”
“Our experience is very positive. The software has a friendly interface and offers a quick calculation process. The automatic wind and snow load wizards help significantly during the load definition. The use of the General Method for the global stability verification of the structures allows us to handle complex structures with complete confidence. The implementation of the structural analysis using beams with 7 degrees of freedom, the visualization of the buckling modes for each load combination, as well as the calculated critical buckling multipliers, provide valuable information for the structural design engineer. An essential tool for structural design engineers of metal structures.”