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Software version:       ConSteel 17 Build 3303

Keywords:                  Modeling; Analysis; Design; Lattice girder; Getting started;

Model examples

Design objective, choice of design standard

This design guide is intended for novice ConSteel 17 users and provides a step-by-step guide for designing a simply supported lattice girder. The geometry of the lattice girder to be designed is known from the architectural conceptual design, (Figure 1). According to the concept, the lattice girder chords are made of hot-rolled sections of HEA120, while the lattice bars  are made of cold-formed SHS80x4 sections. The design of the connections is not included in this guide.

Figure 1.  Geometric design of the lattice girder to be designed

(based on conceptual design)
Figure 1.  Geometric design of the lattice girder to be designed
(based on conceptual design)

It is well known that structural design is always carried out according to a certain standard or its version. The selection of the standard can be made from the Design Standard menu when creating a new model in the Project Center, or it can be modified later in the Standards tab [S1] selection panel (Figure 2).

Figure 2.  Choosing a design standard.
(S1: access standards; S2: select applicable standard; S3: select standard content; S4: display standard parameters).

The desired design standard can be selected from the list on the left of the panel. In this case, we select the EN Recommended option [S2]. The parameters applied by the selected standard can be accessed by selecting the corresponding row of the middle table [S3] of contents in the right-hand table [S4]. In Figure 2, the combination factors corresponding to Table 1.1 of the EC0 standard have been selected, whose parameters are shown in the right-hand table.

Setting the  grid raster editor

First, let’s set the size of the raster according to the span of the structure by using the corresponding button [1] of the tool group on the left, which will bring up the Grid and Coordinate System adjustment panel (Figure 3).

Figure 3.  Setting the editor raster
(1: set raster grid and coordinate system; 2: set raster occupancy size; 3: select view)

For example, for the 19.6m long support, the Size window can be set to 20000 millimeters [2]. To update the setting, press Enter. With the above setting, the raster will be 20m wide in X and Y directions, the raster line density will be 1000mm, and the step spacing will be 250mm. It is convenient to add the grid support model in the X-Z global coordinate plane, so the raster editor will be rotated to the X-Z plane. To do this, select the XZ plane option [3].

Loading initial cross-sections

One fundamental characteristic of general structural analysis programs is that they can only work with specifically defined cross-sections. Therefore, the first step is to choose the initial cross-sections for the task, according to the conceptual design. This may seem contradictory to the simple manual methods taught in basic statics courses, where the specific dimensions of the cross-section were often irrelevant information (e.g. calculation of internal forces). When using computer programs, however, we need to provide specific cross-sections even if their dimensions do not affect the static quantities to be calculated (e.g. in the present case, the normal forces of a truss beam). Nevertheless, we should aim to select cross-sections that match the geometrical size of the structure. In this case, the preliminary design served this purpose.

Initially, the section library for the current model is empty, so we first need to select the appropriate cross-sections. To do this, go to the Structure Members tab [4] and select the Section Administration option [5] on the left side of the horizontally positioned tool group, then select the “From Library…” button [6] in the panel that appears (Figure 4).

Figure 4.  Selecting the type of cross-section.
(4: picking up structural elements; 5: calling up the section control panel;
6: Select section type)

Figure 5 shows the loading of the HEA120 section, compliant with the European standard, which will be assigned to the chords. We select the region of the cross-section standard (European) and then its type (H profiles). From the list that appears, we can select the type of section (HEA) [7] and then the height of the section (120) [8]. By pressing the Load button [9], the program learns the cross-section, and from then on it knows everything about the cross-section and can work with it. Repeat the procedure as many times as you need different sections. Finally, the window is closed by pressing the Close button [10].

Figure 5. Selection of cross-section type and size (for European HEA120 profile).
(7: select section type; 8: select section size; 9: scan selected section; 10: end loading process)

In our case, also a CF-SHS 80×4 closed section (from Library/Hollow sections – cold formed/CF-SHS/CF-SHS 80×4) was loaded for the bracing members (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Contents of the current cross-section store.

Later on, you can obtain all the information about the cross-section using the Section module. To do this, select the cross-section in the table by clicking on the corresponding row and then click on Properties… to display all the properties of the cross-section, such as type data; cross-section characteristics, etc. The program works with two cross-section mechanical models in a dual manner. The GSS (General Solid Section) model [11] is used for static calculations and the EPS (Elastic Plate Segment) model [12] for standard design operations (Figure 7). The cross-sectional properties (surface area, moments of inertia, etc.) can be displayed by pressing the button [13].

Figure 7.  Display of cross-sectional properties.
(11: Open GSS general section model; 12: Open EPS elastic plate segment model;
13: open cross-sectional properties table)

Designing a lattice girder

The design of the bars of a truss (lattice girder) structure does not require any special theoretical knowledge: normally, the truss bars are designed as compressed and/or tensioned bars, neglecting bending moments and shear forces. The dimensioning of compression bars is nowadays carried out using a model-based computer procedure. For details, see the knowledge base material Design of columns against buckling. Here, only the determination of the deflection length of the compressed bars is presented.

The most important parameter for the dimensioning of a compressed bar is the slenderness:




where the buckling length factor k is recommended by EN1993-1-1 to facilitate manual calculations:

Type of the barDirection of bucklingk
chord– in-plane
– out-of-plane
bracing– in-plane
– out-of-plane

Software using model-based computational methods (e.g. Consteel software) determines the elastic critical force Ncr directly by finite element numerical methods, taking into account the behaviour of the entire lattice girder, instead of the above conservative formula. The following example is intended to illustrate the relationship between the manual design procedure proposed by the standard and the results of the modern model-based numerical procedure.

Fig. 1  Structural model and design load combination of the examined lattice girder
(ConSteel software)
Fig. 1  Structural model and design load combination of the examined lattice girder
(Consteel software)

Relationship between procedures

The steps of the calculation are:

Buckling stability analysis

The stability analysis of the elastic model shows the governing buckling mode of the lattice structure and the corresponding elastic critical load factor αcr (Figure 2).

Fig. 2 Buckling mode and critical load factor given by numerical analysis
Fig. 2 Buckling mode and critical load factor given by numerical analysis

We can see that the upper chord of the perfectly elastic model is deflected laterally under load. The load that causes this elastic buckling is the critical load, whose value is given by the product of the design load and the critical load factor αcr=5.99.


Consteel offers a range of load combination filtering options, which can be applied based on limit states, load cases, and analysis and design results. By applying different series of filters, designers can streamline their workflow and reduce calculation time.

Filtering options

Filtering is realized through the Load combination set definition window.

Filtering by limit states and by load cases are handled together with the checkboxes under the Limit states and Load cases buttons.

The 3-state checkboxes affect each other as they are not only used for selection but also for indication of the content. They can be manually set only to checked or unchecked. The middle state only appears when other filters are applied.

Filtering by limit states or load cases does not require any calculation results.

Filter by rules, on the other hand,is based on the actual analysis and/or design results. Different types of rules can be applied one by one or at the same time to select the desired load combinations.

When a rule is applied, all the load combinations that are selected on the Load combination set definition dialog- either with filtering by limit states/load cases or checked in manually- are examined at every position the rule indicates. Load combinations that meet the rule’s criteria are selected (remain checked in), while those that do not, become unchecked.

Interaction of the different filter types

Filtering by limit states, load cases, and rules can be used together, with rules being applied only to load combinations that are checked in and have the necessary calculation results.

Let’s see an example.

It is a simple 2D frame model, with 27 load combinations of various limit states generated. Analysis and design results are calculated for all load combinations.

If applying design rule to select only those load combinations which result dominant utilization over 50%,

4 load combinations will be selected (Load combination set 1):

But if ULS Accidental limit state is turned off before applying the same 50% filter,  

only one load combination is selected (see Load combination set 2).

Application of multiple rules

Applying multiple rules together results in the sum of the lists that would have been created separately.
