Do you want to base your design on the true structural behaviour of your model?
Level up your design process with Consteel
Intelligent software solutions for structural engineers designing steel, composite and RC structures
We provide free educational license for students and lecturers. Click below and follow the required steps
Request educational planConsteel 18 is here!
Consteel is a unique tool of its kind which is being continuously renewed.
Read more about its new features!
Read on the BlogConsteel provides the best features to trust in your design

Global modeling
Enjoy the freedom of realistic structural modelling

Understand the real behaviour of your model!

Steel design
Check the performance of your steel structural model automatically!

Concrete & composite design
Verify the RC and composite members of your model!

Connection design
Keep up-to-date with connections!

Structure-joint interaction
Integrate connections into the global model!

BIM links
Exchange your model with Tekla, Grasshopper or other software!
Structural steel is going to space!
Thinking of sharing your structural model and its results with your colleagues remotely?
Do you seek calculations missing from your software to supplement your structural design?
Do you wish you had a platform where you can easily share your own developed structural design solution with interested users, without having to deal with implementing tools for model inputs or graphical interface?
Steelspace is connecting these needs on a cloud-based platform.

“As a long-time user of Consteel, I have been following the development of the program from its introduction to this day. I can confirm that it is an excellent and reliable tool for any structural engineer. Using it even the most complicated engineering tasks can be solved.”
László Tornai
Toring LP, Hungary

“Our experience is very positive. Consteel has a friendly interface and offers a quick calculation process. The automatic wind and snow load wizards help significantly during the load definition. The use of General Method for the global stability verification of the structures allows to handle complex structures with complete confidence. The implementation of the structural analysis using beams with 7 degrees of freedom, the visualization of the buckling modes for each load combination as well as the calculated critical buckling multipliers provide valuable information for the structural design engineer. An essential tool for structural design engineers of steel structures.”
José Andrés Rojas
Probogés Industrial, Spain
Become our ambassador
If you are more enthusiastic about Consteel than anyone, join our ambassador program!
Your honest positive opinion as a user of Consteel means more to us and adds more to our good reputation than any other appearance online.
If your experience with Consteel makes a difference in your structural design processes, and you think you could share your passion for this unique software with others, you are invited to join our Ambassador program.
As our Ambassador, you will let your professional community know how can Consteel be beneficial for them. We will help you with content ideas, suggestions, but you are free to use your own ideas and ways to present Consteel.
Contact us