
Sehr geehrte Besucherin, sehr geehrter Besucher! Wenn Sie uns über die Feiertage kontaktieren möchten, beachten Sie bitte, dass unser Team zwischen dem 22. Dezember und dem 5. Januar nicht im Büro ist. Wir werden Ihre Anfrage nach dem 6. Januar bearbeiten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.



Be aware that the script DELETES ALL previous content in the currently opened model file.
This script creates a silo from steel plate elements and also a support structure for the silo from beam elements. Additionally, surface loads are also applied to the inside of the silo surface representing the hydrostatic pressure caused by a fluid inside. Dimensions of the silo and support structure, plate thicknesses, materials, radial and height wise plate division of the silo, shell finite element mesh size and fluid density for the hydrostatic load can be controlled through input dialogues after the start of the script run.

Current version: 1.0 (release date: 2021.10.27.)

To DOWNLOAD this script, navigate to the MyDescript interface within Consteel, then click the "Edit" button next to the name of the script in the list. From there, the script can be saved to the computer. The availability of the "Edit" button depends on your membership level.
More info about the MyDescript interface and our membership system is available at these links:
Shell element
Structure creation


Adam Machowiak

Consteel reseller / Structural Engineer, STRENCO