
Die Frist für die Bewerbung um den Steel Lion Award endet am 5. Mai. Es ist noch Zeit, sich mit Ihrem Projekt oder Ihrer Diplomarbeit anzumelden!

Simple cantilever beam


This script creates a simple cantilever beam. There is a fixed support on one end, and a single point load on the other. The cantilever length, section parameters and the load intensity are changeable initial parameters. A load combination is also created with the applied load. Analysis and design can be run right away, after sending the model information from Grasshopper to Consteel. The analysis results can be directly evaluated in Grasshopper. 

Current version: 3.0 (release date: 2025.03)


Structure creation


Ádám Kis

As a Structural Engineer he was obsessed with parametric design methods. He is convinced that it can be efficient for any design task. This is how he came to the dark side and works as a developer on Pangolin. As a PhD student, he researches the implementation of simulation methods in Consteel.