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Technical and economical performance of thin-walled steel structures vs. hot-rolled profiles

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The main objective of the research paper is to present the technical and economical results obtained for standardized structures with small and medium spans. The obtained results can represent a starting point for designers as well as for investors, who intend to build single storey steel structures. According to the research, there have been identified a series of interrelated factors which may represent sources of savings in the optimization process. The authors highlight the work strategy in creating standardized structural systems that will improve product performances. The paper analyzes three standardized configurations including the following structural solutions: frame structures made of hot rolled beams and columns, thin-walled frame structures and structures using trusses and rectangular hollow sections columns. All configurations have been analyzed using Consteel 7.0 design software, for Bucharest region, loads evaluation being performed according to the current standards. Free height of the building varies between 4.00m and 6.00m, bay between
4.00m and 5.00m, and the span between 8.00m and 12.00m. The article presents the principle of the structural configurations and gives reference charts in order to estimate the steel consumption per square meter, aiming structural performance in what concerns price per square meter and execution time.

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