
Did you know that you could use Consteel to Consider the shear stiffness of a steel deck as stabilization for steel members?

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shearfield stiffness
shearfield stiffness

Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform structural analysis at room and elevated temperatures as part of design process for fire resistance?

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Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate the elastic critical moment of a member subject to arbitrary loading and boundary conditions?

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Consteel offers a range of load combination filtering options, which can be applied based on limit states, load cases, and analysis and design results. By applying different series of filters, designers can streamline their workflow and reduce calculation time.

Filtering options

Filtering is realized through the Load combination set definition window.

Filtering by limit states and by load cases are handled together with the checkboxes under the Limit states and Load cases buttons.

The 3-state checkboxes affect each other as they are not only used for selection but also for indication of the content. They can be manually set only to checked or unchecked. The middle state only appears when other filters are applied.

Filtering by limit states or load cases does not require any calculation results.

Filter by rules, on the other hand,is based on the actual analysis and/or design results. Different types of rules can be applied one by one or at the same time to select the desired load combinations.

When a rule is applied, all the load combinations that are selected on the Load combination set definition dialog- either with filtering by limit states/load cases or checked in manually- are examined at every position the rule indicates. Load combinations that meet the rule’s criteria are selected (remain checked in), while those that do not, become unchecked.

Interaction of the different filter types

Filtering by limit states, load cases, and rules can be used together, with rules being applied only to load combinations that are checked in and have the necessary calculation results.

Let’s see an example.

It is a simple 2D frame model, with 27 load combinations of various limit states generated. Analysis and design results are calculated for all load combinations.

If applying design rule to select only those load combinations which result dominant utilization over 50%,

4 load combinations will be selected (Load combination set 1):

But if ULS Accidental limit state is turned off before applying the same 50% filter,  

only one load combination is selected (see Load combination set 2).

Application of multiple rules

Applying multiple rules together results in the sum of the lists that would have been created separately.



This verification example studies a simple fork supported beam member with welded section (flanges: 200-12 and 100-12; web: 400-8) subjected to bending about major axis. Constant bending moment due to concentrated end moments and triangular moment distribution from concentrated transverse force is examined for both orientations of the I-section. Critical moment and force of the member is calculated by hand and by the Consteel software using both 7 DOF beam finite element model and Superbeam function.


Normal orientation – wide flange in compression

Constant bending moment distribution

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on upper flange

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on bottom flange

Reverse orientation – narrow flange in compression

Constant bending moment distribution

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on upper flange

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on bottom flange

Calculation by hand

Factors to be used for analitical approximation formulae of elastic critical moment are taken from G. Sedlacek, J. Naumes: Excerpt from the Background Document to EN 1993-1-1 Flexural buckling and lateral buckling on a common basis: Stability assessments according to Eurocode 3 CEN / TC250 / SC3 / N1639E – rev2

Normal orientation – wide flange in compression

Constant bending moment distribution

Reverse orientation – narrow flange in compression

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1722

Normal orientation – wide flange in compression

Constant bending moment distribution

First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the 7 DOF beam finite element model (n=25). The eigenshape shows lateral torsional buckling.


First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the Superbeam function (δ=25).



This verification example studies a simple fork supported beam member with welded section (flanges: 200-12; web: 400-8) subjected to bending about major axis. Constant bending moment due to concentrated end moments and triangular moment dsitribution from concentrated transverse force is examined. Critical moment and force of the member is calculated by hand and by the Consteel software using both 7 DOF beam finite element model and Superbeam function.


Constant bending moment distribution

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on upper flange

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on bottom flange

Calculation by hand

Constant bending moment distribution

Triangular bending moment distribution

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1722

Constant bending moment distribution

7 DOF beam element

First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the 7 DOF beam finite element model (n=16). The eigenshape shows lateral torsional buckling.


First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the Superbeam function (δ=25).

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on upper flange

7 DOF beam element

First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the 7 DOF beam finite element model (n=16).


First buckling eigenvalue of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the Superbeam function (δ=25).

Triangular bending moment distribution – load on bottom flange



This verification example studies a simple fork supported beam member with welded section equivalent to IPE360 (flanges: 170-12,7; web: 347-8) subjected to biaxial bending due to concentrated end moments and compression due to axial force. Second order deformations of the middle cross-section of the member are calculated by hand and by the ConSteel software using both 7DOF beam and shell finite elements and Superbeam function. In addition to the verification, the difference between modelling with 6DOF and 7DOF elements is demonstrated.


Calculation by hand

The first order and the simple amplified (P-δ) deformations can be analitically calculated by the well known formulas. The calculation of the second order deformations considering true, three-dimensional behaviour of the beam is however so complicated that there are only approximate analitical formulas available for hand calculation. The formula below can be found in Chen, W. and Atsuta, T.: Theory of Beam-Columns, Vol. 2: Space behavior and design, McGRAW-HILL 1977, p. 192  

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1722

First order

Second order – 6DOF beam element

The second order deformation of the member which was computed by the ConSteel software. It is visible that there is no torsion, only increments of the lateral displacements due to P-δ effect:

Second order – 7DOF beam element

The second order deformation of the member which was computed by the ConSteel software using the 7DOF beam finite element model (n=16). It is visible that there is torsion and further increment in the lateral displacement (Dy):

Second order – Shell finite element

The second order deformation of the member which was computed by the ConSteel software using the shell finite element model (δ=25mm):

Second order – Superbeam

The second order deformation of the member which was computed by the ConSteel software using the Superbeam model (δ=25mm):



This verification example studies a simple fork supported beam member with IPE 360 section subjected to axial force and bending about the minor axis due to lateral, distributed force. The second order bending moment and the maximum axial compressive stress of the member is calculated by hand and by the Consteel software using the 7DOF beam finite elements.


Calculation by hand

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1488

7DOF beam element The second order bending moment diagram of the member which was computed by the Consteel software using the 7DOF beam finite element model:

Normal stress in the middle cross-section:



Our verification examples are created to be able to compare hand calculation results with Consteel anaysis results with using either 7DOF beam or shell finite elements. This example is a member of mono-symmetric I- section loaded with transverse concentrated load.


Calculation by hand

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1488

Deformation of the member with the numerical value of the maximum rotation (self-weight is neglected):



Our verification examples are created to be able to compare hand calculation results with Consteel anaysis results with using either 7DOF beam or shell finite elements including Superbeam function. This example is a member in torsion loaded with concentrated torque.


Calculation by hand

Computation by Consteel

Version nr: Consteel 15 build 1488

Deformation of the member due to concentrated twist moment:

Bimoment of the member due to concentrated twist moment:

Warping normal stress in the middle cross-section:

Maximum deformation of the middle cross-section:
