
Jeśli chcesz się z nami skontaktować w okresie od 12/20/2024 do 01/06/2025, pamiętaj, że ze względu na święta możesz spodziewać się wydłużonego czasu odpowiedzi. Dziękujemy za zrozumienie!

Create your own NA settings

  • Contents

Did you know that Consteel already supports most of the countries which have adopted Eurocode design standard? If your country would still be missing, no problem, you can create your own NA settings. This is useful also in the case when you want to customize the recommended settings based on your own preference. 

If you haven't tried Consteel yet, request a trial for free!

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Structural standards
EN National Annexes
How to

The author

Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

Head of R&D Group of Consteel, responsible for the coordination of development of new software features, research tasks. Preparation of webinars and keep international contact with partners involved in Consteel development.