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example models for Consteel
September 18, 2023
1 Min Lesen
Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

Monthly collection of example models

This month we have shared 4 new example models on topics of Class 4 sections, cold-formed, reinforced concrete columns and shear connectors, available for free download from the Knowledge Base.

Calculate effective cross-section properties for Class 4 sections

Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate effective cross-section properties for Class 4 sections?

Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate effective cross-section properties for Class 4 sections?
Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform local and distortional buckling checks for cold-formed members?

Perform buckling checks for cold-formed members

Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform local and distortional buckling checks for cold-formed members?

Determine the second order moment effects for slender reinforced concrete columns

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine automatically the second order moment effects for slender reinforced concrete columns?

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine automatically the second order moment effects for slender reinforced concrete columns?
Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine the optimum number of shear connectors for composite beams?

Determine the optimum number of shear connectors for composite beams

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine the optimum number of shear connectors for composite beams?

To see what else the Consteel software can do, check out the features.


Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

Head of R&D Group of Consteel, responsible for the coordination of development of new software features, research tasks. Preparation of webinars and keep international contact with partners involved in Consteel development.

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