
Die Frist für die Bewerbung um den Steel Lion Award endet am 5. Mai. Es ist noch Zeit, sich mit Ihrem Projekt oder Ihrer Diplomarbeit anzumelden!

Structural design of a roof steel structure having double curvature

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Having as a starting point the idea of creating a structure with an iconic design, the current article presents all the technical solutions and steps followed in the process of creating this special structure. The structure, having the destination of a showroom for an auto dealer, is presented with an unconventional design of the roof: a roof structure having a double curvature. Starting from a relatively simple structural system, the evolution steps are presented together with the main setbacks, challenges, and the final solution: a completely redesigned structural system, with high-performance elements, both in strength and material consumption. The article also presents some stages of the structural analysis, with provisional results that shaped and determined the final design of some of the structural elements.

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