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Snow accumulation load EC1-1-3 5.3.6


This script calculates and applies snow accumulation surface load according to EC1-1-3 5.3.6. The calculation is done separately in an Excel spreadsheet. The necessary measurements are done on the model through an input dialogue after the start of the script run. Data is then read out to the Excel spreadsheet, which calculates the load intensities and shape parameters. The results are read back into Descript, which applies the load on the model if requested.
The load intensity calculation works for any valid input, however the load placement works only for surfaces that are in the same plane and within the rectangular area defined with the help of the 2. input dialogue.

Attachment files are saved to the following storage location: C:\Users\[Current User]\Documents\ConSteel\MyDescripts

Current version: 1.3 (release date: 2024.01.07.)
Made for Consteel 18 build 3907.
- Option added to create a new or select an existing load case for the generated load, instead of always creating a new one.
- If the 'create new load case' option is selected, then the new load case will be placed within an existing snow load group, if there is one, otherwise a new snow load group will be created.

v1.2 (release date: 2022.03.08.)
- Fixes:
The script now creates a variable load group instead of a snow load group during the load application. This prevents an error, where the load application fails, if there is a snow load group already in the model. There can be only 1 snow load group in a model, therefore in this case a 2. one can not be created and the script exits with an error. In the new version the created load case can be later manually moved to a snow load group.

v1.1 (release date: 2022.01.24.)
- Loads can now be placed on non-horizontal surfaces
- Loads can now be placed on multiple surfaces at once
- Excel calculation now handles negative roof slope angles better

v1.0 (release date: 2021.10.20.)

To DOWNLOAD this script, navigate to the MyDescript interface within Consteel, then click the "Edit" button next to the name of the script in the list. From there, the script can be saved to the computer. The availability of the "Edit" button depends on your membership level.
More info about the MyDescript interface and our membership system is available at these links:
Load generation

The author

Márton Lendvai

Responsible for planning and testing of software features and engineering-related tasks.