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The results of analyzes of frames with a span of 12, 15 and 18 m have been presented. Their minimum mass was assumed as the optimization criterion. The finite element method was used in the calculations. The results of calculations in the form of: structure mass, bar resistance coefficient and checking the SLS condition were presented in the tables.

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Comparison of chosen methods for estimation of critical lateral torsional buckling bending moment of web-tapered I-beams. In this article, the elastic critical bending moments of the web-tapered I-beams calculated by the analytical and numerical solutions developed last years by researchers involved in the topic were compared with own calculations carried out with available common tools. The main goal was to verify the accuracy and convergence of the results provided by different modern methods and different finite bar elements 1D with 7 degrees od freedom at the node (7DOF).

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The main objective of the research paper is to present the technical and economical results obtained for standardized structures with small and medium spans. The obtained results can represent a starting point for designers as well as for investors, who intend to build single storey steel structures. According to the research, there have been identified a series of interrelated factors which may represent sources of savings in the optimization process. The authors highlight the work strategy in creating standardized structural systems that will improve product performances. The paper analyzes three standardized configurations including the following structural solutions: frame structures made of hot rolled beams and columns, thin-walled frame structures and structures using trusses and rectangular hollow sections columns. All configurations have been analyzed using Consteel 7.0 design software, for Bucharest region, loads evaluation being performed according to the current standards. Free height of the building varies between 4.00m and 6.00m, bay between
4.00m and 5.00m, and the span between 8.00m and 12.00m. The article presents the principle of the structural configurations and gives reference charts in order to estimate the steel consumption per square meter, aiming structural performance in what concerns price per square meter and execution time.

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The authors will describe in the following pages the reasons why the project of the Multi-functional Sports Hall from Cluj Napoca is attractive. The main lines of the building are: a hall with a capacity of 7000 seats, a structure dominated by precast concrete elements, a long span roof and an advanced analysis of the connections, all well-kept into the limited funds. The roof solution consists in using steel space trusses made out of square hollow sections (SHS). The truss has a clear span of 63.90m, a total length of 76,10m, a maximum height of 4,00m that is reduced on the length of the structural
element, and a triangular cross section being 3,60m wide. Global stability checks and specific local stability problems were performed and are exposed in the following paper. For the fabrication of the space truss, welded joints between the SHS profiles were designed. As a result of the fact that for characteristic failure checks of the welded TT and KK joints analytical methods are based only on a semi-empirical formulae, developed for Φ=90 degrees (the angle between the diagonal planes), for the design of joints finite element modelling was used. Good agreement between the results of the developed finite element joint model and the analytical method for TT and KK joints has been found, even though the semi-empirical formulae are applied for the analysed truss which had Φ=50 degrees.

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The construction of Kopitnari International Airport was one of the most important Georgian brownfield investments in 2011-2012. The 5000 m2 steel terminal building with timber interior, a spectacular member of the complex, had been designed by the Dutch architect office UNStudio; under the egis of MTM Ltd. the super-structural design had been executed by CEOS Ltd. The whole project had to follow a tight time schedule: the design process started in autumn 2011; the Airport opened its gates on the 15th September, 2012. The structural design was performed by using Hungarian FEM software for analyses and the integrated BIM system, TEKLA for 3D modelling. The fabrication of the 500 tons steel structure was done by Hungarian Rutin Ltd. Every element was road-transported to the 3000 km far Kutaisi. The terminal’s structure arrived in 4 parts according to the layout-quarters. The erection process had been done by Rutin Ltd. as well, 10 workers spent 5 weeks in Georgia while finishing the complete structure. Design, BIM, fabrication and site work together led to the final result: The supporting structure was erected in time, no site corrections were needed. After finishing a Georgian member of the team made the statement: “Hungarian engineering and construction in Georgia guarantee the success!”

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Having as a starting point the idea of creating a structure with an iconic design, the current article presents all the technical solutions and steps followed in the process of creating this special structure. The structure, having the destination of a showroom for an auto dealer, is presented with an unconventional design of the roof: a roof structure having a double curvature. Starting from a relatively simple structural system, the evolution steps are presented together with the main setbacks, challenges, and the final solution: a completely redesigned structural system, with high-performance elements, both in strength and material consumption. The article also presents some stages of the structural analysis, with provisional results that shaped and determined the final design of some of the structural elements.

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Nowe trendy w normach: EUROKOD 3 – efektywne globalne projektowanie konstrukcji.

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Nowe trendy w normach EUROKOD 3 – efektywne globalne projektowanie konstrukcyjne Analiza oparta na modelu 3D przy użyciu ogólnej metody elementów skończonych belkowo-słupowych.

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The case study exposes a practical evaluation of fire resistance of an old structure of a Spanish industrial building composed of steel built-up members; the truss members are angles connected through packing plates and the columns are battened chords. A simple calculation model was used element by element. First, heat is transferred to individual steel elements by convection and radiation in thermal study. The contributions of these two modes of heat transfer were treated by a practical approach. In mechanical study, the second order analysis was used with global imperfections. Finally, the fire resistance was evaluated R15 after some proposals.

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In Hungary only since 2008 is allowed to use the structural fire engineering methods for fire design. The Eurocode provides methods and standards for these calculations. The practising engineers have no experience to apply these methods; therefore studies are made about them, like this, which is based on a bachelor thesis work. Our intention is also dual. First we study the fire design process of the frequently used steel structures and present it to the practising engineers. On the other hand we analyse the maximum fire resistance of these unprotected steel structures, and looking for different methods to fulfil the requirements of R30 fire resistance class.

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