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new Consteel example models are available
12 kwietnia, 2024
Do przeczytania w 1 min
Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

New model examples available in the first quarter

In the first quarter, we have collected some new model examples on topics of Grasshopper and Pangolin, own NA settings, pre-engineered Metal Building, and how to build models your own script, available for free download from the Knowledge Base.

Integrate structural model and analysis in Grasshopper

Did you know that Consteel provides a plugin to integrate structural modeling and analysis into your parametric Grasshopper definitions?

How will you possibly work in Pangolin? See the related videos on our YouTube channel, starting with the ’Introducing Pangolin’ video.

Create your own NA settings

Did you know that Consteel already supports most of the countries which have adopted Eurocode design standard?

Design a pre-engineered Metal Building

Did you know that you can use Consteel to design a pre-engineered Metal Building with all its unique characteristics, including web-tapered welded members, the interaction of primary and secondary structural elements, flange braces, shear and rotational stabilization effect provided by wall and roof sheeting? 

User-defined response spectrum

Did you know that in addition the standard Type 1 and Type 2 response spectrums defined by Eurocode 8, you can use also user-defined spectrums with Consteel

To see what else the Consteel software can do, check out the features.


Bálint Vaszilievits-Sömjén

Head of R&D Group of Consteel, responsible for the coordination of development of new software features, research tasks. Preparation of webinars and keep international contact with partners involved in Consteel development.

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Consteel 18 Update 1 has been released

Consteel 18: executive summary of the new developments

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