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Analysis + design run on critical load combinations


This script determines which load combinations are critical for an already modeled and loaded structure, then executes an analysis run and a design calculation with the given settings on only the critical load combinations. The analysis and design settings are set after the start of the script run through a dialogue window, along with the minimum member utilization for a load combination to be added to the list of critical load combinations. The script uses the load combinations that were already in the model before execution. No new load combinations are getting created. 

The algorithm is the following:
- Run an analysis for all existing load combinations
- Run a design calculation for all existing load combinations
- Find critical load combinations:
-- Choose a member and find the load combination that caused the highest design utilization for that member
-- If this design utilization is larger, than the set limit (50% by default), then add it to the list of critical load combinations
 - Do this for every member
- Run an analysis with the given settings for only the critical load combinations
- Run a design calculation with the given settings for only the critical load combinations

Current version: 1.1 (release date: 2023.02.06.)
Works with Consteel 15 build 1778 or higher

v1.0 (release date: 2022.10.18.)

To DOWNLOAD this script, navigate to the MyDescript interface within Consteel, then click the "Edit" button next to the name of the script in the list. From there, the script can be saved to the computer. The availability of the "Edit" button depends on your membership level.
More info about the MyDescript interface and our membership system is available at these links:

The author

Márton Lendvai

Responsible for planning and testing of software features and engineering-related tasks.