
Die Frist für die Bewerbung um den Steel Lion Award endet am 5. Mai. Es ist noch Zeit, sich mit Ihrem Projekt oder Ihrer Diplomarbeit anzumelden!


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Pressure-based validation on simple blocks

In this article, we will explore pressure-based validation techniques applied to a simple block model within the context of wind simulation for structural engineering. Building upon our previous discussions on…

Free-form structures
Meteorological load generation

Dataprocessing and velocity-based validation on a simple block

In this second article of our wind simulation series, we will delve into two critical topics of wind simulation for structural engineering. The first one is data processing, a collective…

Free-form structures
Meteorological load generation

Preprocessing wind simulation for structural engineering purposes

As we prepare to publish the first version of our wind simulation tool, let’s explore the theoretical and technological background that makes it unique. Throughout the development process, we identified…

Free-form structures
Meteorological load generation

Design of lattice girders based on EN 1993-1-1 standard

Software version:       ConSteel 17 Build 3303 Keywords:                  Modeling; Analysis; Design; Lattice girder; Getting started; Model examples Design objective, choice of design standard This design guide is intended for novice…

How to
Buckling analysis
Modular buildings
Stability design

Consteel recommends to use the General Method

Consteel recommends to use the General Method from EN 1993-1-1 for the evaluation of out-of-plane strength of members and sturctures. In addition, the scaled imperfection based 2nd order approach is…

Imperfect model analysis
EN 1993-1-1
Model examples
Buckling analysis
Class 4, thin-walled sections
Stability design
Structural imperfections
Torsion and warping

General Method supported by Consteel

Have you ever heard about the ‚General Method‘? This is an alternative design method to consider the interaction of axial compression with major-axis bending for general buckling situations, where the…

Model examples
Buckling analysis
Class 4, thin-walled sections
Mezzanine systems
Stability design
Tapered and haunched members
Torsion and warping

Integrate structural model and analysis in Grasshopper

Did you know that Consteel provides a plugin to integrate structural modeling and analysis into your parametric Grasshopper definitions? Download Pangolin from food4rhino.com or the Yak package manager of Rhino.…

Tips & Tricks
Automated design workflow (scripting)
Parametric design

Create your own NA settings

Did you know that Consteel already supports most of the countries which have adopted Eurocode design standard? If your country would still be missing, no problem, you can create your…

Structural standards
EN National Annexes
How to

Design a pre-engineered Metal Building

Did you know that you can use Consteel to design a pre-engineered Metal Building with all its unique characteristics, including web-tapered welded members, the interaction of primary and secondary structural…

Structural member
Model examples
Halls and hangars
Metal buildings/Pre-engineered buildings
Portal frames
Tapered and haunched members
Torsion and warping

User-defined response spectrum

Did you know that in addition the standard Type 1 and Type 2 response spectrums defined by Eurocode 8, you can use also user-defined spectrums with Consteel?  Download the example…

Structural standards
Model examples
Halls and hangars
Seismic design

Designing a bent beam to resist lateral torsional buckling

Introduction When a beam, bent in a plane, is allowed to move and twist freely between its two support points, in addition to bending, sudden perpendicular displacement and twisting may…

Stability analysis
EN 1993-1-1
Technical studies
Buckling analysis
Class 4, thin-walled sections
Stability design
Torsion and warping

Buckling length of lattice girder bars

Designing a lattice girder The design of the bars of a truss (lattice girder) structure does not require any special theoretical knowledge: normally, the truss bars are designed as compressed…

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Technical studies
Buckling analysis
Halls and hangars
Stability design

Design of bars against flexural buckling

The evolution of compressed bar (column) design One of the characteristic features of steel structures made of bars (e.g. lattice girders) is the compressed bar.  We speak of a compressed…

Stability analysis
Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Theory background
Buckling analysis
Stability design

Alternative calculation of the effective cross-sectional properties –Consteel’s solution

This overview delves into Consteel’s solution, offering an alternative approach to calculating effective cross-sectional properties and reshaping conventional methodologies in structural analysis and design. Determine the strength utilization of a…

Cross sections
Technical studies
Class 4, thin-walled sections

Consteel 17 new version release guide

The latest version, Consteel 17 is officially out! In 2023, our main focus for Consteel development is improving usability. New features prioritize efficient model manipulation, easy modification, and clear information…

BIM links
Load combinations
User guides

Calculate the elastic critical moment

Did you know that you can use Consteel to calculate the elastic critical moment of a member subject to arbitrary loading and boundary conditions?  Download the example model and try…

Model examples
Buckling analysis

Design simple supported, continuous and over-lapped purlins systems

Did you know that you can use Consteel to design simple supported, continuous and over-lapped purlins systems in Consteel, considering shear and rotational stiffness of attached roof sheeting?  Download the…

Model examples
Cold-formed structures
Distorsional buckling of cold-formed profiles
Halls and hangars
Metal buildings/Pre-engineered buildings
Purlin design
Stability design

Interaction resistance for Class 3 and 4 sections

In Consteel, the calculation of cross sectional interaction resistance for Class 3 and 4 sections is executed with the modified Formula 6.2 of EN 1993-1-1 with the consideration of warping…

7 DOF beam
Cross sections
EN 1993-1-1
Tips & Tricks
Class 4, thin-walled sections
Torsion and warping

Design pad foundations

Did you know that you can use Consteel to design pad foundations?  Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet, request a trial for free!

Model examples

Calculate support settlement

Did you know that you can use Consteel to calculate support settlement? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet, request a trial for free!

Model examples

Apply your own scripts to build models and perform calculations

Did you know that you can use Consteel to apply your own scripts to build models and perform calculations?  Try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet, request a trial…

Model examples

Build 3D models with smart link elements

Did you know that you could use Consteel to build 3D models with smart link elements which automatically adapt the model when profiles are changed? Download the example model and…

Special modeling tools
Model examples
Smart link

Rotational stiffness for bolted column/beam moment bearing connections

Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate rotational stiffness for bolted column/beam moment bearing connections? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel…

Steel joints
Model examples
Tips & Tricks
Rotational stiffness

Perform dual analysis with 7DOF beam and/or shell elements

Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform dual analysis with 7DOF beam and/or shell elements? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel…

7 DOF beam
Shell element
Model examples
Tips & Tricks

Design web-tapered members

Did you know that you could use Consteel to design web-tapered members? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet, request a trial for free!

Model examples
Tips & Tricks
Tapered members

Consider connection stiffness for global analysis

Did you know that you could use Consteel to consider connection stiffness for global analysis? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet, request a…

Model examples
Rotational stiffness

Determine the optimum number of shear connectors for composite beams

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine the optimum number of shear connectors for composite beams? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried…

EN 1994-1-1
Model examples
Tips & Tricks
Composite structure
Shear studs

Determine the second order moment effects for slender reinforced concrete columns

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine automatically the second order moment effects for slender reinforced concrete columns? Download the example model and try it! If you…

Second order analysis
Reinforced concrete
EN 1993-1-1
Model examples
Tips & Tricks
Nominal Curvature Method
Nominal Stiffness Method

Perform buckling checks for cold-formed members

Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform local and distortional buckling checks for cold-formed members? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel…

Buckling design
Cross sections
EN 1993-1-3
Model examples
Distortional buckling

Reinforced concrete columns – applying the Automatic Nominal Curvature Method for design

Introduction Reinforced concrete columns are essential structural elements in the construction industry. They are used, for example, in frame buildings, halls, family houses and bridges. They are used in both…

Reinforced concrete
User guides
Buckling analysis
Halls and hangars
Precast concrete columns
Stability design

Calculate effective cross-section properties for Class 4 sections

Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate effective cross-section properties for Class 4 sections? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried Consteel yet,…

7 DOF beam
Finite element
Cross sections
EN 1993-1-5
Model examples

How load combination filter works for ‚Steel – Dominant results‘ and corresponding ‚Limitation‘ options?

When applying design rules in load combination filter, the most frequently used utilization type is Steel – Dominant results. What results are exactly considered by this option and what do…

Load combinations
Tips & Tricks
Haeavy industry structures
Halls and hangars
Metal buildings/Pre-engineered buildings
Modular buildings

Consider the shear stiffness of a steel deck as stabilization

Did you know that you could use Consteel to Consider the shear stiffness of a steel deck as stabilization for steel members? Download the example model and try it! If…

Stability analysis
Special modeling tools
Model examples
Lateral-torsional buckling

Draw a user-defined cross section and calculate

Did you know that you could use Consteel to draw a user-defined cross section and calculate its section properties? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t tried…

Cross sections
Model examples

Include in your model a wide range of cold-formed macro sections

Did you know that you could use Consteel to include in your model a wide range of cold-formed macro sections? Download the example model and try it! If you haven’t…

Cross sections
Model examples

Analysis at room and elevetated temperature

Did you know that you could use Consteel to perform structural analysis at room and elevated temperatures as part of design process for fire resistance? Download the example model and…

Fire design
Model examples
Critical temperature
Intumescent paint

Reinforced concrete column design – overview

Introduction In ConSteel, there are three options for designing reinforced concrete columns: the Manual Nominal Curvature Method, the Automatic Nominal Curvature Method, and the Nominal Stiffness Method.  Each method has…

Reinforced concrete
Tips & Tricks
Buckling analysis
Halls and hangars
Precast concrete columns
Stability design

Calculate the elastic critical moment of a member subject to arbitrary loading and boundary conditions

Did you know that you could use Consteel to calculate the elastic critical moment of a member subject to arbitrary loading and boundary conditions? Download the example model and try…

Model examples
Elastic linear buckling

Design simple supported, continuous and overlapped purlins systems considering shear and rotational stiffness of attached roof sheeting

Did you know that you could use Consteel to design simple supported, continuous and over-lapped purlins systems, considering shear and rotational stiffness of attached roof sheeting? Download the example model…

Model examples
Overlapped purlin

Determine the critical temperature of a steel beam protected against fire with intumescent painting

Did you know that you could use Consteel to determine the critical temperature of a steel beam protected against fire with intumescent painting? Download the example model and try it!…

Fire design
Model examples
Critical temperature
Intumescent paint

Hot-rolled crane beam design considering the effect of code-prescribed load eccentricities

Did you know that you could use Consteel to design a hot-rolled crane beam considering the effect of code-prescribed load eccentricities? Download the example model and try it! If you…

Model examples
Tips & Tricks
Crane beam

Load combination filter options

Consteel offers a range of load combination filtering options, which can be applied based on limit states, load cases, and analysis and design results. By applying different series of filters,…

Load combinations
Model examples
User guides
Free-form structures
Haeavy industry structures
Halls and hangars
Metal buildings/Pre-engineered buildings
Stability design
Tapered and haunched members
Torsion and warping
Towers, towercranes and antennas (transmission towers)

Frame design using nonprismatic members – Satisfying the need for speed

This paper discusses a combination of best practices and procedures from recent work in Europe and the US, providing rational and economical calculations addressing the complexities associated with frame design…

Buckling design
Scientific publications
General Method
Tapered members

Load combination filter in practice – preferred general workflow

In Consteel 16, we introduced the function of load combination filter. Filtering is possible based on the load combinations’ limit state, load cases, and corresponding analysis and design results. The…

Load combinations
Tips & Tricks
Haeavy industry structures
Halls and hangars
Lightweight steel framed houses
Metal buildings/Pre-engineered buildings
Modular buildings
Solar panel mounting structures
Towers, towercranes and antennas (transmission towers)

Biegedrillknicken eines Stabes mit monosymmetrischem I-Querschnitt – Nachweisbeispiel

Einleitung Dieses Überprüfungsbeispiel untersucht ein einfaches beidseitig starr gabelgelagertes Trägerelement mit geschweißtem Querschnitt (Flansche: 200-12 und 100-12; Steg: 400-8), das einer Biegung um die starke Hauptachse ausgesetzt ist. Es wird…


ANWENDUNG DER „ALLGEMEINEN METHODE“ VON EN 1993-1-1, 6.3.4 für den Stabilitätsnachweis von globalen Tragwerksmodellen

Die praktische Anwendung des „Allgemeinen Verfahrens“ von EN 1993-1-1 6.3.4 für die Stabilitätsnachweise von globalen (kompletten) Tragwerksmodellen ist auch heute noch eine Herausforderung, die mehrere Probleme zu lösen erfordert. Hier…


Smartlink (Koppelgelenk)

Die Smartlink-Funktion ist eine andere Version des bereits vorhandenen Link-Elements, das mit Version 14 in Consteel eingeführt wurde. Im Fall des Smartlinks haben wir zur einfacheren Anwendung eine andere Definitionsmethode…


Berechnung kritischer Temperaturen im Brandfall

Die Berechnung der kritischen Temperatur von Stahlbauteilen steht in ConSteel seit der Veröffentlichung von Version 14 zur Verfügung. Zur Einführung in diese Funktion haben wir ein Video vorbereitet, das einige…


Zweiachsig auf Biegung und Druck beanspruchter Träger – Nachweisbeispiel

Einführung Dieses Beispiel untersucht einen beidseitig starr gabelgelagerten Balken mit Schweißquerschnitt, der einem IPE 360 entspricht (Flansche: 170-12,7; Steg: 347-8). Er unterliegt biaxialer Biegung aufgrund konzentrierter Endmomente um beide Hauptachsen…


Biegedrillknicken eines Stabes mit doppelt symmetrischem Querschnitt – Nachweisbeispiel

Einführung Dieses Überprüfungsbeispiel untersucht ein einfaches gabelgelagertes Trägerelement mit geschweißtem Querschnitt (Flansche: 200-12; Steg: 400-8), das mit Biegung um die starke Hauptachse ausgesetzt ist. Untersucht wird das konstante Biegemoment aus…


Allgemeine Imperfektionsmethode (OIM)

Die allgemeine Imperfektionsmethode (Overall Imperfection Method ) ist eine alternative Methode zur Durchführung des Stabilitätsnachweises für ein stabartiges stählernes Tragwerk. Bei diesem Verfahren wird das Stabilitätsphänomen im Vergleich zum allgemeinen…


Stabilitätsnachweise für Bauteile: Imperfektionsmethode oder Nachweis mit Abminderungsfaktoren? -Teil 2

Teil 2 – Abminderungsfaktoren DIN EN 1993-1-1 bieten grundsätzlich zwei Methoden des Tragfähigkeitsnachweises stabilitätsgefährdeter Bauteile: (1) Verwendung von Abminderungsfaktoren (Knickkurven) und (2) Imperfektionsmethode mit Ansatz von äquivalenten geometrischen Imperfektionen („Ersatzimperfektionen“).


Tragfähigkeitsnachweise für Bauteile: mit der Imperfektionsmethode oder mit Abminderungsfaktoren? Teil 1

Teil 1: Unterschiede bei der Stabilitätsausnutzung Der Eurocode EN 1993-1-1 bietet grundsätzlich zwei Verfahren für den Stabilitätsnachweis von Stäben an: (1) basierend auf Abminderungsfaktoren (Knickkurven) und (2) basierend auf äquivalenten…


Beispiel für den Bau eines Lagerhauses mit Nachweisen der Globalen Imperfektionsmethode (OIM)

Sehen Sie sich unser Benutzerhandbuch zur Verwendung der OIM-Methode (Imperfektionsmethode) an, um mehr zu erfahren. Version: CS14.831 CKlicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um das Modell herunterzuladen.


Analyse des Stahlverbrauchs von Portalrahmen aus warmgewalzten und kaltgeformten Profilen

Die Berechnungsergebnisse von Stahlrahmen mit Spannweiten von 12, 15 und 18 m werden vorgestellt. Als Optimierungskriterium wird deren Mindestmasse angenommen. Bei den Berechnungen wird die Finite-Elemente-Methode verwendet. Die Ergebnisse der…


MyDescript – Ihre persönliche Scripting-Umgebung in Consteel

Scripting ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug in Ihrer Hand, um Modellobjekte und Operationen oder Berechnungen für sie flexibel zu erstellen, darauf zuzugreifen und sie zu manipulieren. Werfen Sie einen genaueren Blick…


Descript – interne Skriptumgebung

Scripting ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug in Ihrer Hand, um Modellobjekte und Operationen oder Berechnungen für sie flexibel zu erstellen, darauf zuzugreifen und sie zu manipulieren. Wir wissen, dass (auch einfache)…


Torsionsbalken (konzentriertes Drehmoment) – Nachweisbeispiel

Einführung Unsere Überprüfungsbeispiele werden erstellt, um die Ergebnisse der Handberechnung mit den Ergebnissen der Consteel-Analyse vergleichen zu können, wobei entweder Balkenelemente mit 7 Verformungsfreiheitsgraden (7DOF) oder finite Schalenelementen (einschließlich des…


Torsionbalken (Torsion durch Einzelquerlast auf monosymmetrischem I-Profil) – Nachweisbeispiel

Einleitung Unsere Überprüfungsbeispiele werden erstellt, um die Ergebnisse der Handberechnung mit den Ergebnissen der Consteel-Analyse vergleichen zu können, wobei entweder Balkenelemente mit 7 Verformungsfreiheitsgraden (7DOF) oder finite Schalenelemente verwendet werden.…


Auf Biegung und Druck beanspruchter Träger – Nachweisbeispiel

Einleitung Dieses Überprüfungsbeispiel untersucht ein einfaches, starr gabelgelagertes Trägerelement mit IPE-360-Profil, das einer axialen Kraft und Biegung um die schwache Achse aufgrund seitlich gleichverteilten Linienlast ausgesetzt ist. Das Biegemoment zweiter…


Stegöffnungen und Verformungen

Häufig sind Versorgungsleitungen durch die Stege von Trägern zu führen. Üblicherweise werden dazu Öffnungen in die Stege der Träger verwendet. Die können rund oder eckig sein, abhängig von der Anzahl,…


Zur realistischen Darstellung von 3D-Verformungen verwölbter Querschnitte

Einführung Für eine klare Vorstellung des Strukturverhaltens und einer effektiven Tragwerksplanung ist die Visualisierung der Berechnungsergebnisse essenziell. Ab ConSteel 15 bieten wir eine verbesserte Methode der 3D-Verformungsdarstellung, die glatt und…


„Verborgene“ Formeln von DIN EN 1993-1-3 / Teil 3

In unserer kleinen Serie zu diesem Thema zeigten wir in Teil 1 und Teil 2, wie die Federsteifigkeiten „K” für Rand- und Mittelversteifungen berechnet werden, die im Folgenden ersatzweise anstatt…


„Verborgene“ Formeln von DIN EN 1993-1-3 / Teil 2

Querschnittsverformung- eine weitere „verborgene“ Formel von DIN EN 1993-1-3. Lesen Sie zunächst Teil 1, falls Sie es noch nicht getan haben. Hier wird die zweite „verborgene” Formel (5.11) von DIN…


„Verborgene“ Formeln von DIN EN 1993-1-3 / Teil 1

DIN EN 1993-1-3 enthält 3 „verborgene“ Formeln. Die ersten beiden dienen der Berechnung des effektiven Querschnitts bei der Querschnittsverformung, bei der die Wirkung von Eck- und Zwischenversteifungen einbezogen wird. Die…


Diskrete Wölbsteifen

Theoretischer Hintergrund In der Balkentheorie hat die Torsion zwei Komponenten. Saint-Venant’sche Torsion Die meisten geschlossenen dünnwandigen Hohlprofile tragen Querschnittsrotationen mittels der St. Venant′schen Torsion ab, bei der nur Schubspannungen τt (oder…


Projekt Center

Das neue Projekt Center vereint alle Funktionalitäten des Modell- und Benutzerkontenmanagements sowie den einfachen Zugriff auf personalisierte Informationen und Lernmaterialien.

Feature preview
Project Center

Der ConSteel Cloud-Speicher

Cloud Lösungen eröffnen eine neue Dimension für diverse Dienste. Wir möchten, dass Sie sich auch außerhalb Ihres Computers aufhalten. Als ersten Schritt bieten wir die einfache und schnelle Speicherung, den…


Bauteilfärbung gemäß Querschnitttyp

Einführung Für das effektive Arbeiten eines Tragwerksplaners sind einfach überschaubare Strukturmodelle notwendig, auch wenn diese komplex sind. ConSteel bietet dazu verschiedene Funktionen wie z. B. Layer und Teilmodelltechniken und auch Bauteilfärbung…


Script Bibliothek

Scripting kann ein effektives Werkzeug zur Verbesserung Ihres Arbeitsablaufes sein. Wir haben eine betreute Bibliothek von Descript-Beispielen, Grasshopper-Scripts und Lösungen zur Benutzung des Programmierinterfaces (API) von ConSteel erstellt, um Sie…


Angepasste Modellierung von Bauteilen

Superbalken ist eine neue mächtige Funktion von ConSteel V15. Die Funktion wurde zum dualen Handling von stabartigen Bauteilen entwickelt. Mit dem Superbalken können Teile von Stahlstrukturen mit der Genauigkeit von…


Angepasste Modellierung von Ausschnitten

Die baustatische Berücksichtigung von Trägerausschnitten ist eine äußerst nützliche Eigenschaft des ConSteel Superbalkens. Sie können einfach erstellt und modifiziert werden. Verschiedene Geometrien und Optionen zu Mehrfachplatzierungen stehen zur Verfügung. Schauen…


Effiziente Erhöhung der Biegedrillknicktragfähigkeit

Einleitung Während der Nutzungsdauer einer Stahlkonstruktion können sich die Einwirkungen auf Tragelemente erhöhen, sodass Verstärkungen notwendig werden. Bei Trägern mit I-Querschnitten werden dann die Flansche verstärkt, um das Tragmoment des…


Kurzfassung des Validationsreports des Superbalkens – Teil 1

Einführung des ConSteel Superbalkens Allgemein verwendet ConSteel ein Balkenelement mit 7 Verformungsfreiheitsgraden pro Knoten zur FE-Berechnung von Stahlstrukturen, was für die alltäglichen Nachweissituationen vollkommen ausreichend ist. Alternativ ist die Verwendung…


Angepasste Modellierung von Steiffen

Mit der Funktion Superbalken kann eine Modellierung von Steifen an Balkenmodellen einfach und effektiv durchgeführt werden. Zahlreiche Optionen und diverse Querschnitte stehen zur Verfügung. Die Berechnung des Balkens ist alternativ/wechsend…


Farbgebung nach Querschnittstyp

Eine optimale Visualisierung des Strukturmodells und der Berechnungsergebnisse führen im Vergleich zu Texten und/oder Tabellen zu besserem Verständnis und korrekter Interpretation des Datenmodells. Mit Hilfe der neuen Funktion Farbgebung durch Querschnittseigenschaften können…


Elegante und realistische Darstellung der Verformungen von FE-Ergebnissen von Bauteilen mit 7 Freiheitsgraden

Gewöhnlich zeigt traditionelle baustatische Software die Verformungen von Balken mit ihren Querschnitten auf der verformten Schwerachse. ConSteel 15 dagegen benutzt eine fortschrittliche Methode für Deformationsdarstellungen, die feiner und realistischer ist.…

7 DOF beam
Feature preview

Vertiefte Erkenntnisse mit den Ergebnissen der Sensitivitätsanalyse der Stabilitätsgefährdung und den farbigen Diagrammen der Beanspruchungen

Perfektionieren Sie Ihr Verständnis des Strukturverhaltens der mithilfe der Sensitivitätsanalyse illustrierten korrekten Eigenform und der farbigen Gestaltung der Beanspruchungen.



Zusätzlich zur bereits bestehenden Einfärbung der Spannungsverläufe im Querschnitt werden jetzt Spannungsdiagramme der funktionellen Verläufe einzelner Spannungskomponenten oder auch der -resultierenden ermöglicht. Schauen Sie sich das Video dazu an.


Superbalken für Trägerberechnung bei Querschnittklasse 4

Einführung Geschweißte I-Profile besitzen häufig schlanke Stege, um große Biegetragfähigkeiten infolge weit gespreizter Flansche zu erreichen. Der Steg trägt dann vorwiegend die Schubspannungen. Damit können signifikante Gewichtsersparnisse erzielt werden, aber…


Effect of web openings on LTB

Introduction Are you wondering how a web opening would influence the lateral-torsional buckling resistance of your beam? Check it precisely with a Consteel Superbeam based analysis It is often required…

Special modeling tools
Technical studies
Lateral-torsional buckling
Web opening

Comparison of chosen methods for estimation of critical lateral torsional buckling bending moment of web-tapered I-beams

Comparison of chosen methods for estimation of critical lateral torsional buckling bending moment of web-tapered I-beams. In this article, the elastic critical bending moments of the web-tapered I-beams calculated by…

Technical reports

Utilizing Pangolin in a „Consteel first workflow“

Pangolin not only creates Consteel models for you but can also read and utilize your existing Consteel models. This is what we will look into more detail in this article.…

Tips & Tricks

Haunched frame with purlins and LTB bracing

Example hall model for trying the smart link feautre in Consteel Watch our user guide about How to use the smart link feature to learn more.

Special modeling tools
Model examples

Floor beams model example

Example model for trying the smart link feature in Consteel Watch our user guide about How to use the smart link feature to learn more.

Special modeling tools
Model examples

Haunched frame warehouse building model

Example model for calculate critical temperature in Consteel Watch our user guide about How to use the critical temperature feature to learn more.

Fire design
Model examples

Model definition with Pangolin

Geometry definition Geometry in Pangolin can be described by lines or circular arcs and polygons made up of the former two. The relevant components are the simplest ones, acting as…

How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Documentation

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

Getting started
How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Connection Design

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

Steel joints
Getting started
How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Design

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

Buckling design
Getting started
How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Analysis

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

First order analysis
Second order analysis
Stability analysis
Getting started
How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Loads

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

Load combinations
Getting started
How to

Getting Started with Consteel 14 – Geometry

Consteel 14 is a powerful analysis and design software for structural engineers. Watch our video how to get started with Consteel. Contents

Structural member
Getting started
How to

Get to know Pangolin

Introducing Pangolin, the new ConSteel integration with Grasshopper In quick summary What to know about Pangolin? Pangolin is a Consteel plugin to integrate structural modelling and analysis into your parametric…

Feature preview
Getting started

Model example for wind load on custom shape roof

Read our tips and tricks about Surface wind load on custom shape roof for more information. Version: CS14.1000

Model examples

Multiple point support model example

Read our tips and tricks about Placing of multiple point supports for more information. Version: CS14.1000 Click the button below to download the example model.

Model examples

Joint orientation model example

Read our tips and tricks about Choosing the orientation of a symmetric joint for more information. Version: CS14.1000 Click the button below to download the model.

Steel joints
Model examples

What is a Shear field?

This article aims to cover the theoretical background of the shear field stiffness determination methods implemented in Consteel. Modeling with the shear field stiffness based method will also be compared…

Theory background

Model import from IFC file

Introduction IFC is a global standard for data exchange in the building industry. It is widely used for sharing models independent of the software the original model was created. It…

BIM links
Tips & Tricks

Accurate beam finite element for tapered members

Modeling of tapered elements Stability calculation of tapered members is always a difficult problem despite its popularity in steel hall construction. Generally in analysis software for the stability analysis a…

Technical studies

Two-level model diagnostics

Introduction In Consteel there is a possibility to perform a model check on the structure to reveal modelling errors. This model check or diagnostics can be separated to First and Second…

Structural member
Tips & Tricks

Semi-rigid joints in modeling of structures

Introduction The effects of the behaviour of the joints on the distribution of internal forces and moments within a structure, and on the overall deformations of the structure, should generally…

Connection interactions
Tips & Tricks

Freeform structural modelling functions

Introduction In the last years, freeform architecture became more and more popular. A variety of complex geometric shapes are used for the facades of buildings, which brought the demand of…

Special modeling tools
Tips & Tricks

Easy way to directly modify coordinates

Introduction It happens quite often, that you need to import static models from another modeling software into Consteel. This is a very practical and effective solution to simplify your work.…

Structural member
Tips & Tricks

Placing of multiple point supports

Introduction In Consteel there are several opportunities to place the point supports you need in a quick and effective way. Multiple placing of column bases In case you imported a…

Tips & Tricks

Frame corner wizard

Introduction The Frame corner wizard is a useful additional function for modelling and analyzing the corner region in order to consider its special behavior. What is it for The frame…

Special modeling tools
Tips & Tricks

User defined EN standards

Introduction In Consteel a great variety of EN National Annexes can be used for structural design. It is possible to review the existing annexes in the Standards menu. In case…

Structural standards
EN National Annexes
Tips & Tricks

Difference between Consteel functions „Global stability check“ and „Member check“

Introduction There are different ways to evaluate the stability of a structure. It is important to know the differences between those methods and the limits of applicability but it is…

Buckling design
Tips & Tricks

Determination of shear field stiffness and application in Consteel

Shear fields are used in daily practice in Germany for the design of structures by considering the stabilization effect of trapezoidal decking connected to bar elements. Such stabilization effect can…


Seismic design of frames of single-story industrial building with built-in mezzanine floors according to Eurocode 8 with Consteel

In everyday practice frames of pre-engineered metal buildings are often designed as 2D structures. Industrial buildings often have partial mezzanine floors, attached to one of the main columns, to suit…

Technical studies

Effect of shear restraint of the lateral torsional buckling resistance

It is known that the lateral torsional buckling resistance of a simple supported beam can be significantly increased if its compressed flange is connected adequately to a trapezoidal decking. Eurocode…

Technical studies

Choosing the orientation of a symmetric joint

Introduction Joint orientaion can be chosen by the graphical display of the Place joint on the model function. How it works If there is only one option how to place…

Steel joints
Tips & Tricks

Surface wind load on a custom shape roof

Introduction How can you place surface wind loads, when you have a custom shaped flat roof instead of the standard types you can see in Eurocode? How to do that…

Tips & Tricks

Default joint settings

Introduction When you create a new joint either manually or by model, certain parameters are set to a default value e.g. weld sizes, method of weld design, bolt material and…

Steel joints
Tips & Tricks

Custom envelope figure

Introduction As you may already know, you can check the max, min and min-max envelope diagrams for (first and second order) analysis results in Consteel. But you can also create…

Tips & Tricks

Copy-paste unique load combination data from Excel

The problem Even if all of the load combination generation formulas of EN are implemented in Consteel for the automatic generation of combinations, standard formulas may not cover every necessary…

Load combinations
Tips & Tricks

How to save calculation time?

Introduction In case of a model with a lot of load cases (wind in different directions, with and without internal pressure, snow,seismic etc.), hundreds of load combinations can be generated…

Tips & Tricks

Technical and economical performance of thin-walled steel structures vs. hot-rolled profiles

The main objective of the research paper is to present the technical and economical results obtained for standardized structures with small and medium spans. The obtained results can represent a…

Technical reports

A long span structure in Romania

The authors will describe in the following pages the reasons why the project of the Multi-functional Sports Hall from Cluj Napoca is attractive. The main lines of the building are:…

Technical reports

Structure of a Terminal Building

The construction of Kopitnari International Airport was one of the most important Georgian brownfield investments in 2011-2012. The 5000 m2 steel terminal building with timber interior, a spectacular member of…

Technical reports

Structural design of a roof steel structure having double curvature

Having as a starting point the idea of creating a structure with an iconic design, the current article presents all the technical solutions and steps followed in the process of…

Technical reports

Nowe trendy w normach: EUROKOD 3 Part 2 (PL)

Nowe trendy w normach: EUROKOD 3 – efektywne globalne projektowanie konstrukcji. Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby pobrać i przeczytać cały artykuł.

Technical reports

Nowe trendy w normach EUROKOD 3 (PL)

Nowe trendy w normach EUROKOD 3 – efektywne globalne projektowanie konstrukcyjne Analiza oparta na modelu 3D przy użyciu ogólnej metody elementów skończonych belkowo-słupowych. Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby pobrać i przeczytać…

Technical reports

A practical approach to study of fire resistance of a steel structure with open built up members and columns

The case study exposes a practical evaluation of fire resistance of an old structure of a Spanish industrial building composed of steel built-up members; the truss members are angles connected…

Fire design
Technical reports

Fire design of a steel hall without fire protection

In Hungary only since 2008 is allowed to use the structural fire engineering methods for fire design. The Eurocode provides methods and standards for these calculations. The practising engineers have…

Fire design
Technical reports

Stressed skin effect on the elastic buckling of pitched roof portal frames

The paper presents the influence of the diaphragm effect on the behavior of pitched roof portal frames, having Z purlins and corrugated sheeting as cladding. The paper highlights the stabilizing…

Scientific publications

European and United States approaches for steel storage pallet rack design. Part 2: Practical applications

A two-part paper has been written to summarise the main results of a comparative study on the design provisions currently adopted in Europe (EU) and the United States (US) for…

Scientific publications

Comparative study of steel frame modelling levels and Eurocode based design methods (full access)

Click the button bellow to download and read the full article at page 187-195. In this paper a numerical study is presented which examines a steel frame with two different…

7 DOF beam
Imperfect model analysis
Shell element
Stability analysis
Scientific publications

On Design Method of Lateral-torsional Buckling of Beams: State of the Art and a New Proposal for a General Type Design Method (full access)

After introducing the Eurocode standards several theses have been published on the now much-discussed phenomenon of lateral-torsional buckling of steel structural elements under pure bending. According to that, researchers are…

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Scientific publications
General Method
Lateral-torsional buckling

Practical application of the “General Method” of EN 1993-1-1 (full access)

In the second article of this series, Dr József Szalai of ConSteel Solutions demonstrates practical examples where the “General Method” of EN 1993-1-1 shows advantages compared to the conventional approaches.…

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Technical reports
General Method

The “General Method”of EN 1993-1-1 (full access)

Clause 6.3.4 of EN 1993-1-1 describes a “General Method” for lateral and lateral torsional buckling of structural components, ideally suited to software applications. Although the UK National Annex places some…

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Technical reports
General Method

New approaches in Eurocode 3 – efficient global structural design – Part 1 (full access)

The new versions of the EN 1993-1-1 (EC3-1-1) and the EN 1993-1-5 (EC3-1-5) standards have introduced the general method designing beam-column structures; see [1] and [2]. The design method requires…

Finite element
Stability analysis
Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
EN 1993-1-5
Technical reports
General Method

New approaches in Eurocode 3 – efficient global structural design – Part 0 (full access)

The new versions of the EN 1993-1-1 (EC3-1-1) and the EN 1993-1-5 (EC3-1-5) standards have introduced the general method designing beam-column structures; see [1] and [2]. The design method requires…

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
EN 1993-1-5
Technical reports
General Method

Software solutions for steel and timber structures (full access, CZ)

Click the button bellow to download and read the full article. The article is in czech at page 48-57.

Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Technical reports
General Method

Design of frames composed of tapered members according to EN 1993 using Consteel program (full access)

The portal frames composed of tapered welded I-shaped structural members play important roles in the industrial buildings. The application of the relatively thin plates and the optimized fabrication makes these…

Buckling design
Structural member
EN 1993-1-1
EN 1993-1-5
Technical reports
General Method
Portal frames
Tapered members

DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D-Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 1)

Dieser Aufsatz beschreibt – als erster einer Serie von drei Teilen – im Wesentlichen die Details der sogenannten „Allgemeinen Methode” von DIN EN 1993-1-1/Abschnitt 6.3.4. Diese softwarebasierte Methode für beliebige…

Scientific publications

DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 2)

Dieser Aufsatz zeigt – als zweiter von drei Teilen – in den Abschnitten 8 bis 10 im Wesentlichen die Anwendung der sogenannten „Allgemeinen Methode“ von DIN EN 1993-1-1/ Abschnitt 6.3.4…

Scientific publications

Theory and application of the general method of Eurocode 3 (full access)

The EN 1993 Part 1-1 (EC3-1-1) has introduced a new approach (called the “General Method”) to perform lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) assessment of beam-column structural components on the basis of elastic…

Stability analysis
Buckling design
EN 1993-1-1
Scientific publications
General Method

Use of Eigenvalue analysis for different levels of stability design (full access)

Stability analysis and design have always played a key role in the process of verification of steel structures. The possible analysis methods and design procedures have a long history with…

Stability analysis
Buckling design
Scientific publications